School Costs

Antrim Grammar School endeavours to provide an enriching pupil experience. In order to do so, there are a limited number of additional costs associated with this which are outlined below. Full details in relation to School Charges are outlined in the School Charges and Remissions Policy within the Policy section of the school website.

All school charges are payable through ParentMail.

School Fund

Antrim Grammar school strive to provide educational materials and resources in excess of statutory requirements, enhance our school facilities and deliver a broad range of activities that provide enrichment for all pupils. This cannot be achieved without the support and commitment from parents and guardians. As the amount of funding the school receive from the Department of Education is insufficient each year it is essential for the school to ask parents and guardians for a contribution to the school fund to enrich our pupils learning experiences. The school fund has become an important and indispensable element of our overall funding. We are aware of the financial constraints that many families face; however our school fund contributions remain low in comparison with other grammar schools. You will be invited to make a contribution to the school fund before the start of every new school year via a number of payment options on ParentMail. We thank you in advance for supporting the school with your contribution.

The charges for 2024/25 per family are:
1 pupil £65
2 pupils £95
3 pupils £125

School Uniform

The full school uniform is available from Wallace's, 7 High Street, Antrim.

The P.E. / Games Kit is available to purchase from our School Shop on our website.

Sixth Form Fee

The Antrim Grammar School Sixth Form Fee is £100 per year and is payable before starting Year 13 and Year 14. The Sixth Form Fee is payable on Results Day each year, prior to the start of the academic year.


Lockers are available to hire for pupils in Year 8 to 12 for an annual charge of £10. If keys are lost or misplaced an additional charge of £10 will apply to all pupils for the issue of a replacement key.

Arrangements for the 2024-25 academic year and locker hire charges will be as follows:

Year 8          Locker Hire for one year 2024-25: £10
                     (Year 8 pupils will be allocated a different locker from Year 9 onwards)    

Year 9          Locker Hire for 4 years to retain the same locker from Year 9 to Year 12: £40

Year 10        Locker Hire for 3 years to retain the same locker from Year 10 to Year 12: £30

Year 11         Locker Hire for 2 years to retain the same locker from Year 11 to Year 12: £20

Year 12        Locker Hire for 1 year until joining Sixth Form: £10

Year 13/14   Locker Hire will be included in the annual Sixth Form Fee

Should any pupil wish to opt out of locker hire at the end of any school year the school will issue a full refund for any amount paid in advance.

A school policy is in place for the use of lockers.

Department Fees

The Art Department will make a number of additional resources available for parents to purchase should they wish to make these purchases for their child to keep. It is strongly recommended that your child purchases an Art Pack  in Year 8 to equip them for class and homework. These are optional purchases and further details will be communicated to parents for the 2024-25 school year via ParentMail. The contents of these packs if purchased will be kept by your child.

The Home Economics Department will invite parents to make an annual contribution in Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10. Fees for GCSE students in Year 11 will support your child’s learning with the purchase of cookery ingredients for the completion of the pupils’ practical lessons and assessments. This is the alternative to parents buying their own ingredients. Fees for all Year groups including Year 12 in September 2024 are to be confirmed. School branded Aprons will be made available for pupils to purchase from the school PE Shop.

The Technology Department will invite parents to make an annual contribution of £15 to support their child’s learning with the purchase of materials required for the completion of practical lessons and assessments at Key Stage 3. At GCSE and A Level fees will be £25 per pupil. The pupils will bring these items home with them when completed. This is the alternative to parents buying their own materials.

Extra-Curricular Fees/Optional Extras

Whilst most of our extra-curricular activities are at no extra cost, a very limited amount will incur a fee. Where extra-curricular activities are provided by external agencies, the charge for these will be forwarded to Parents/Guardians and payable via ParentMail. There is no obligation for any pupils to participate in chargeable extra-curricular activities. Further information is available in the School Charges and Remissions Policy.

Private Instrumental Music Tuition

Private Instrumental Music Tuition is provided by highly experienced Tutors from the Education Authority Music Service in a range of areas. Fees for this optional extra are normally paid in full at the start of each school year or alternatively can be paid in two instalments with the first due in Term One and the second due at the beginning of Term Two.

Annual fees for 2024-25 are as follows: 
 - £370 for a 20 minute lesson
 - £555 for a 30 minute lesson

Other lessons facilitated in school will have fees agreed by a private arrangement between parents and music tutors.

Duke of Edinburgh

We are delighted to be able to offer our pupils the opportunity to participate in Duke of Edinburgh Gold and Bronze training. Should parents wish their child to complete this training, fees are payable for participation in the Bronze and Gold Award programmes. 

Places are heavily oversubscribed every year however if your child secures a place parents will be invited to make payments in instalments throughout the year via ParentMail.


We have a number of trips abroad of which pupils can avail. Details of charges will be made available via relevant members of staff organising the trip. Payments for these school trips can normally be made in instalments to allow Parents/Guardians to budget.