Intermediate Mathematical Challenge
Over 250,000 students from more than 3,000 schools across the UK participated in the UKMT Intermediate Mathematical Challenge on 7th February.
These 60 minute papers are designed to challenge and enhance pupils’ mathematical and problem solving skills. All students from Year 11 and 12 who participated are to be congratulated for completing these demanding papers. The following certificates were awarded.
Year 11
Silver: Matthew Jeffries
Gold: Keping Li & Joe Woods (Best In School & Best In Year).
Year 12
Bronze: Arnold Oduvelil, Kate Monaghan, Emilia Faltynowska, Jenny McCammond, Reece Wilson, Lucy Davis & Ross Mackay.
Silver: Rainey Gibson (Best In Year), Pavol Kovac, Sarah Porter, Andrew Clark & Ryan Blair.
A special congratulations goes to Keping Li and Joe Woods for being invited to take part in the Pink Kangaroo follow on round.