Duke of Edinburgh Achievements

A number of our pupils have recently been successful in gaining their DofE Awards:
Congratulations to Year 14 pupil, Alex Fulton who completed her DofE Bronze award. As part of her award, Alex joined the Tidy Randalstown team. This contribution helped Randalstown win the Queen's reward for voluntary service and the award for best kept small town in Ireland. Alex learned to be a responsible and environmentally aware citizen by caring for the town. She also encouraged biodiversity through sustainable planting.

Year 14 pupil, Rhys Hull, received his DofE Certificate and Badge recently for completing his Silver Level Award.  Rhys completed his expedition in 2019 where he spent three days and two nights in the Antrim Hills. Rhys worked as part of a team to set up camp, along with displaying good map reading and leadership skills over the three days. Congratulations to Rhys.


Year 14 pupil, Amy Greer recently received her Silver DofE award. As part of her award, Amy volunteered as a leader at her local Girl’s Brigade, helping to organise and supervise activities. Amy has already started her Gold Level and hopes to complete it next July. Well done to Amy.