Meet the Team
Teaching Staff
Mr M T Wilson, BSc(Hons), PGCE, PQH (NI) |
Mrs G Houston |
Mrs S Rayot, MEd, BA(Hons), PGCE |
VICE PRINCIPAL, Curriculum |
Mr D Byrne, MA(Hons), BA(Hons), PGCE, PhD, PQH(NI), Dip. Adm Man (IAM) |
Senior Teacher |
Mrs L Campbell-Nesbitt, BSc (Hons), PGCE |
Senior Teacher |
Mr J McMahon, Bach Tech Mech Eng, PGCE |
Senior Teacher |
Mr B Baguley, BA(Hons), MBA, HED |
Subject Leader, Business Studies |
Mr P Campbell, BEd(Hons) |
Subject Leader, Technology & Design |
Mrs K Coupe, BSc(Hons), PGCE, PhD |
Subject Leader, Biology |
Mrs S Craig, BA(Hons), PGCE |
Subject Leader, Religious Studies |
Miss Z Crilly, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Subject Leader, Art & Design , Moving Image Arts |
Miss H Drummond, BSc(Hons), MSc, PGCE |
Subject Leader, Physics |
Mr P Finlay, BSc(Hons), PhD, PGCE |
Subject Leader, Geography |
Mrs J Fisher, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Subject Leader, Food & Nutrition, Health & Social Care |
Miss L Gibson, MA(Hons), PGCE, PGCEM |
Subject Leader, Politics |
Mrs N Gilbert, BA(Hons), PGCE |
Subject Leader, Performing Arts |
Mr M Johnston, BEd (Hons), MSc, PGDip |
Subject Leader, Digital Technologies |
Mr S Johnston, BSc(Hons), PGCE, Ad.Cert. Ed |
Head of Science, Subject Leader, Chemistry |
Mr N Lennox, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Subject Leader, Mathematics |
Mr P Marshall, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Subject Leader, Boys’ PE/Games (Temporary, 2 days per week) |
Ms K McCrory, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Head of MFL, Subject Leader, French |
Miss L McKinney, MA, PGCE |
Subject Leader, Spanish |
Ms N McParland, BA (Hons), PGCE, LGSMD |
Subject Leader, English |
Mr B McVeigh, BA(Hons), PGCE |
Subject Leader, History |
Ms C Moore, BEd |
Subject Leader, Girls’ PE/Games |
Mr J Orr BEd(Hons) |
Subject Leader, Boys’ PE (Temporary 3 days per week), Technology |
Mr J Reidy, BA(Hons), PhD, PGCE, LTCL |
Subject Leader, Music |
Mrs H Beck, MSc, PGCE |
Physical Education |
Ms A Berry, BSc(Hons) PGCE (on maternity leave) |
SENCO, Geography |
Ms S Best |
Chemistry |
Miss A Boyd, BA(Hons), MEd, PGCE, PGCEM |
English |
Mrs K Branagh, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Mathematics |
Mrs V Brown, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Mathematics |
Mrs C Campbell |
History & Politics |
Mr J Cardy |
Geography |
Mr P Carson |
Physical Education |
Ms M Craig, BA(Hons), PGCE |
French, Spanish |
Miss A Dark, BA(Hons), PGCE |
English |
Mrs J Dickey, BA(Hons), PGCE |
English, Performing Arts |
Mrs O Fairgrieve, BSc(Hons), DIS, PGCE |
Psychology, Acting Assistant SENCo |
Mrs N Fleck, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Chemistry |
Mrs E Fullerton, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Mathematics |
Mr M Gillen, BSC(Hons), PGCE |
Biology, Physics Life & Health Sciences |
Mr D Gillespie, BMus, PGCE, ATCL |
Music, Religious Studies |
Mr M Godwin, BA(Hons), PGCE |
English, Drama |
Mr A Greer |
Technology & Design |
Mr C Halliday, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Geography |
Mrs J Jackson, BSc(Hons), PGCE (on maternity leave) |
Chemistry |
Mr T Jamison |
Chemistry |
Mrs K Kane, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Home Economics, Health & Social Care |
Mrs B Lavery, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Geography, Acting SENCo |
Miss E Martelli |
Biology |
Ms R Martinez, BA(Hons) PGCE |
Spanish |
Mrs K McCausland, BA(Hons), PGCE |
Art & Design |
Mrs L McConnell, BEd(Hons) |
Religious Studies |
Mr N McGarry |
Business Studies |
Mr R McKee, BSc(Hons), MSc, PGCE |
Physics |
Mrs A McKibbin, BSc(Hons), PGCE |
Biology |
Mrs L O’Kane, BSc(Hons), PhD, PGCE |
Mathematics, Physics |
Mr S Roberts, BA(Hons), PGCE |
Art & Design, Moving Image Art |
Mrs K Sadler |
Biology |
Ms S Watson, BA(Hons), PGCE |
History, English |
Miss J Wilkinson, BEd(Hons) |
Mathematics |
Mrs V Woods, BSc(Hons), PhD, PGCE, PQH(NI) |
Mathematics |
Support Staff
Mrs C Brennan, BA (Hons) |
Bursar |
Mr C Browne, BSc (Hons) |
ICT Support Manager |
Mrs J Laughlin |
Executive Officer/PA to Principal |
Mrs H Greer |
Senior Clerical Officer (Finance) |
Mrs T Kelly |
Senior Clerical Officer |
Mrs A McKnight |
Senior Clerical Officer |
Mrs M Sargent |
Senior Clerical Officer |
Mrs A Creighton |
Sixth Form Supervisor |
Mr P McAuley |
Sixth Form Supervisor |
Mrs B Gourley |
French MFL Assistant |
Ms M Miralles Bravo |
Spanish MFL Assistant |
Mr G Baxendale |
Technology Technician, Lockers, Maintenance |
Mrs C Carberry |
Chemistry Technician |
Mrs H Fee |
Biology Technician |
Mrs C Hanna |
Home Economics Technician |
Mr C Johnston |
Physics Technician |
Mrs P Moore |
Art Technician, Duke of Edinburgh Lead |
Mr A O'Neill |
Technician |
Miss A Coulter |
General Assistant |
Miss L Darragh |
Classroom Assistant |
Mrs R Finlay |
Classroom Assistant |
Ms M Frew |
Classroom Assistant |
Miss E Gault |
Classroom Assistant |
Mrs D Gribbon |
Classroom Assistant |
Mrs S Hare |
Classroom Assistant |
Miss A Henry |
Classroom Assistant |
Mrs J Kelly |
Classroom Assistant |
Mrs S Lavery |
Classroom Assistant |
Mrs T Lindsay |
Classroom Assistant |
Mr R McCoey-Allen |
Classroom Assistant |
Mrs D McComb |
Classroom Assistant |
Mrs R McKee |
General Assistant |
Miss B McKeown |
Classroom Assistant |
Mrs M McVeigh |
Classroom Assistant |
Miss M Nesbitt |
Classroom Assistant |
Mrs W Nesbitt |
Classroom Assistant |
Mrs M Reid |
Classroom Assistant |
Mr C Thornton |
Classroom Assistant |
Mr S Townsend |
Buildings and Cleaning Supervisor |
Mr P Griffith |
Assistant Buildings Supervisor |
Mrs C Magee |
Catering Manager |
Board of Governors
Education Authority Representatives
Mr R Cairns
Mr A Cameron
Mr A Hamilton
Mr R McGlaughlin
Mr J McGrath
Department of Education Representatives
Mr D Blair
Mrs T Kennedy
R McCune, MBE, Chairman
*Vacant Positions*
Parent Representatives
Dr I Erskine
Ms K Green
Miss S Truesdale
Teacher Representatives
Mrs L Campbell-Nesbitt
Dr P Finlay
Head Boy & Head Girl
Hello, my name is William Ross and I am privileged to serve as Head Boy at Antrim Grammar School for 2023/24.
In AGS teachers are committed to educating each child for life through commitment to currency, character, and culture and throughout my time at AGS these core values have made me the person I am today. From a shy timid first year right up to present day I have always felt part of the AGS family. Teachers have taught me the importance of working hard to achieve my goals. Their support and encouragement, and that of my peers, has been invaluable in developing my confidence, my character, my leadership skills and my friendships. I’m honoured to be part of AGS where everyone is valued.
This year as Head Boy I look forward to working closely with teachers, the Senior Prefect Team, my peers, and pupils from all year groups to build upon and strengthen the core values of AGS. I strive to be a role model in which all pupils can look up too and by working together I believe AGS will continue to be 'A Great School' where pupils feel challenged, empowered, and valued.
Hello, my name is Eva Varghese and I am delighted to have been given the privilege of being Head Girl of Antrim Grammar School for the academic year 2023/24.
My past six years at Antrim Grammar School have been spent in a positive and supportive environment where I felt that I had all the opportunities needed for me to thrive. The dedication and support from my teachers has enabled me to be confident in my own abilities, always striving to do my best. The culture of acceptance and inclusivity here at AGS means that I have built strong relationships with my peers and the focus on pupil well-being means that I’ve never felt like I was alone. Being provided with opportunities to give back to the community has allowed me to do what I value the most - make a difference in our ever changing society. Through my own personal life, I have been able to develop key skills such as resilience and teamwork which I believe will truly help me as I undertake this great responsibility.
Being Head Girl gives me the opportunity to emphasise what we do best at AGS - to educate for life. I have always felt proud to be part of the AGS family and as Head Girl, I will take it upon myself to ensure each pupil feels just as valued as I have felt. I believe that every pupil has something unique that they can contribute to the school community and I will do my best to ensure that every pupils voice is heard. By working with teachers, pupils and prefects I hope to reinforce our core values to enhance the AGS experience. I am so honoured to have been given this opportunity to be Head Girl of AGS and I look forward to seeing what the year ahead holds for us.