ICT Support AT Home
This webpage will help and support you if you are looking for technical support from home.
Help Videos
The following videos have been provided to support you in your use of Google Classroom in addition to the Technical Support provided within the guide above:
- How to join a class on Google Classroom
- How to view work set for you
- How to submit work
- How to ask your teacher a question
C2k MySchool
You can access the website here.
This is your homepage inside school which provides links to all of the tools that you need and can act as the same from home. The ‘Launch’ panel to the right of the home page has been updated to provide you with quick access to some services, others you can find under ‘View All’.
From this site you can access the following:
- Files:
- o N: Drive
- o Shared Resources
- Email via Office 365
- G-Suite (all Google applications including Google Classroom)
- Office 365 (all Microsoft applications including a download link to install these on your own devices)
- C2k Media Library
- C2k NewsDesk
- You can keep up to date with news and information using C2k Media Library and C2k NewsDesk.
Password Reset
To reset your own password from home click here.
You need to know your username and existing password for this to work, if you do not know these then please contact Mr Browne via email by emailing info@antrimgrammar.antrim.ni.sch.uk.
Google Classroom
You can access Google Classroom here.
Homework will be set using Google Classroom. If you need a class code, use your Registration Google Classroom to get these or ask for help.
You must use your school account to access Google Classroom – your email address is username123@c2ken.net and your password is your normal school password.
Staying Safe Online
As you learn from home, you will likely use the Internet much more than you normally would. It’s important that you behave responsibly online and that you stay safe. You should never share your password, personal details or private information with anyone online, especially those that you don’t know.
You should download the Safer Schools App that you will have heard about through school.
CEOP has lots of help and advice for staying safe online and can be accessed here: https://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/
If you are in Year 8, 9 or 10, you can find help here: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/11_13
If you are in Year 11, 12, 13 or 15, you can find help here: https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/14_plus/
- You may receive emails from people who aren’t really who they say they are – always be wary when receiving emails with links to click or emails requesting personal information.
- You should only use your school email for school, not for any other reason. Don’t click links or download anything if you don’t know who the sender is.
- You should only use your C2k username and password for Google Classroom and ensure all communication with your teachers is like it would be in school face to face.
- Consider your ‘screen time’ – you will be using your device all day as a learning tool so don’t use it all night too
- Switch off for 5 minutes every hour
- Get out for some fresh air
- If you use Social Media, review your privacy settings to make sure only your friends can contact and interact with you
- Think before you post – would you be happy for anyone (family and teachers) to read / see it?
- Remember that anything you ‘post’ is online forever
- Your digital footprint is growing larger with everything you post online
- Tell someone if you’re being bullied online – cyber bullying is not ‘ok’ and you can get help
- Here is some advice: https://youtu.be/IMZTgfdWE4w
You can get further help here: https://www.internetmatters.org/resources/navigating-secondary-school-online-safety-guide/#risks
You should download the Safer Schools NI app and register using the code for your year group from Google Classroom.
Frequently Asked Questions
Question |
Answer |
Can I access my MySchool files and folders from home? |
Go to www.c2kschools.net and use your C2k username and password to log in. Click on ‘View All’ and choose ‘Files and Apps’. |
How do I log in to Google Classroom from home? |
Go to classroom.google.com and use your C2k username (jbloggs287@c2ken.net) and password to log in. |
I tried the above but it didn't require my log in details and took me to a blank Google Classroom. |
There must be a Google account logged in in the background on your computer. When you open Google Classroom, click on the letter in the circle on the top right hand of the screen, sign out and sign in again with your C2k account |
I used my C2k username and password but I could not log in to MySchool or Google Classroom. |
C2k requires you to change your password every 100 days – it will lock you out of your account if you haven’t changed your password when this happens. You can use this link to change your password from home. |
I tried to change my password but it didn't work / I have forgotten my password. |
If you have tried to change your password unsuccessfully or have forgotten it, please see Mr Browne in school who will help you. |
How can I ask my teacher a question? |
You can add a Private Comment on an assignment on Google Classroom. |
What happens if l have no internet connection? |
You could try to hotspot through your phone. |