How do I know if it is a Week A or Week B?
On the homepage you will find an indicator that tells you if it is an A or B week.
What is my password for C2K?
You will be given a C2K username and password when you are start Antrim Grammar School. You will use this for the rest of your school career.
What if I forget my password?
Our ICT Support Manager will help you by giving you a new password which you can change to something memorable. He is located in the Digital Technologies Department. Your Class Teacher can also change your password for you. From home, there a link under 'School Life' then 'ICT Support at Home' which outlines how to change your password outside of school.
How do I know when extra-curricular activities are?
An extra-curricular booklet outlines all that is on offer in Antrim Grammar School. This can be found under 'School Life' and 'Extra-Curricular'. There is an extra-curricular notice board in school outlining what is on and when. In addition, further information will be communicated through Assemblies, Year Assemblies and Pupil Notes and ParentMail.
How will I know what is on the menu in ‘The Hot Plate’?
There is a menu board in ‘The Hot Plate’ which you can view each morning so that you can plan what you want to buy. In addition, ‘The Hot Plate’ has a ‘Grab and Go ‘section which allows you to pre order sandwiches and paninis.
Are there any revision booklets available to prepare for exams?
Yes! Teachers will discuss with all pupils the topics required for exams. In addition, there are revision booklets posted on our school website prior to the examinations. They are in the Life at AGS section, under Examinations.
When it is exam time, where do I get Exam Timetables?
Exam timetables will be sent home through ParentMail before the exams begin. They will also be displayed online.
What time does class start after break and lunch?
Years 8 - 10: Period 3 starts at 11:25am and Period 4 continues at 1.30pm.
Years 11 - 14: Period 3 starts at 11:25am and Period 5 starts at 2:10pm.
When do reports come out?
Reports come out after the assessment periods. The expected dates for reports are posted on the school website in the Calendar section.
If I can’t get into my locker, what do I do?
If you have this problem, speak to the School Office and help will be provided.
Where can I find the ICT Support Manager?
Our ICT Support Manager has an Office in the Digital Technologies Department on the C Floor.
Where do I renew printer credit?
If you need to top up your printer credit, you can buy credits at the Office and then take the receipt to our ICT Support Manager who will add these credits to your account.
Where do you find the School Nurse?
There are two locations to check for the School Nurse. The first is her Medical Room where there will be a note to say where she is if she is not there. If you cannot find her, please speak to the staff at Reception.
What time does Monday Week A finish?
School finishes early every Monday Week A at 2.05pm for all pupils.