
We aim to provide a wide range of activities to suit the needs of all of our pupils. We have extensive sports facilities and a number of sports coaches support our PE department in providing many clubs including Hockey, Rugby, Cricket, Athletics and Netball. We have also a wide range of lunchtime and after school clubs including Scripture Union, Science, Warhammer and Code Club, so there is always the opportunity to learn something new and meet some new friends.

Our Extra-Curricular Booklet for 2023/24 can be viewed here


Antrim Grammar School offers a range of traditional sports together with a wide breadth of opportunity for those who simply want to participate. All this is made possible by the school’s excellent facilities: sports halls, tennis courts, a fitness suite, excellent grass pitches and access to an AstroTurf pitch. Whatever one's level, there will be sport to enjoy at Antrim Grammar School.

Main School Sports

The main school sports in Antrim Grammar School are Boys’ Rugby, Girls’ Hockey, Netball, Cricket and Athletics. These sports are organised and delivered by a very committed teaching staff and ably supported by a talented team of external coaches.



Ulster Rugby

At Antrim Grammar School Rugby, we value giving every single pupil the most professional and enjoyable experience from U12 to 1st XV. Our Rugby Club has been going from strength to strength since the implementation of our brand new rugby development plan in 2018. We have data to show that we are boasting over a 100% increase in participation at the junior school level since the implementation of the programme.

We are now an official partner with Ulster Rugby’s Year 8 Rugby Pilot Programme which is based on player-centred development to facilitate excellent rugby performance. Our methods of coaching and player development have been recognised at Ulster Rugby and they have displayed our content on the online resource ‘Coach Logic’ to be shared with coaches around the world. Through our coaching methods, we have seen a rise in Antrim Grammar School players involved in various Ulster Regional Development squads and Ulster Schools Age Grade Squads.

We strive to give every player the most professional experience possible to provide more than just excellent coaching. As players progress through various age groups they will get the opportunity to have video analysis of their games, extra strength and conditioning sessions provided by our excellent S&C Team, and the opportunity to travel abroad to tour. Most recently we have just launched our Senior Rugby tour to South Africa in 2024. 

Girls' Hockey

Girls’ Hockey continues to thrive in competitions, leagues and tournaments. We have celebrated success with the Girls’ 1st XI reaching the semi-final of the Superleague, Ulster Plate Final and most recently the Schools’ Cup Quarter-Final. Junior Girls’ Hockey have enjoyed success at NEEBSA level for several years now with success across each year group. Our talented group of Year 8s won both the NEEBSA League and the NEEBSA tournament held at Parkhall during previous seasons. 

Hockey is growing in Antrim Grammar School and it’s the PE department’s intention to build on this very positive momentum and take the School’s Hockey to the next level.

Leadership Opportunities

The leadership role of the pupils in the life of the school is vital in supporting an ethos of strong community and innovation which speaks for the entire pupil body. There is a wide range of opportunities for pupils to contribute to the school and the wider community at all stages of their career. We believe that it is important for all our pupils to have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills from Year 8 right through to Sixth Form. Leadership opportunities include Student Voice, Captains and Vice-Captains in Sport, Class Captains, the Student Leadership Council, Digital Leaders, Learning and Teaching Group, Literacy and Numeracy Leaders, Prefects, Sixth Form Buddies, Subject Mentors, Language and Science Ambassadors and the Sound and Lighting Team with responsibility for all school events. Through the Character Programme, all pupils are given the opportunity to develop and demonstrate their leadership skills in action.

School Trips

All pupils have many opportunities for school trips throughout their time with us. Some of these trips are an important part of academic courses and occur during term time, but many are optional trips during the school holidays. It is our belief that each trip provides a valuable experience that will help all pupils to develop essential skills for life; confidence, independence, self-sufficiency, respecting others and their property, patience, empathy and cultural awareness. 

Click here for information on current School Trips.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme is the world’s leading youth achievement award. It encourages young people to push their personal boundaries, gain new skills and enhance CVs and University applications.

At Antrim Grammar School the DofE scheme is voluntary with pupils able to enter the Bronze award in Year 10 and Silver award from Year 11.


Potential Start Date

Target Date for Completion of all Sections


October 2024

June 2025


October 2024

October 2025


The main source of information regarding the Award is the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award website and almost all you need to know is discussed there. 

To achieve an Award, you need to prove what activities you have been doing, show how you have progressed and met the goals you set for each section.

eDofE is the online system that means you can record your DofE programme and activities, and prove what you have done in lots of different ways.  

Once you're a DofE participant, your Leader, Mrs Moore, will set up your eDofE account - and you are then ready to start choosing your activities and setting your objectives. 

To help you get started and working with eDofE, a number of useful videos have been uploaded onto YouTube at the following web address.





Volunteering/Physical/Skill/Residential Section

To achieve an award, the participant must work on each section for a minimum period of time, and must be monitored and assessed by someone with knowledge of the chosen activities. Each progressive level demands more time and commitment from participants:

  • Bronze: 3–6 months
  • Silver: 6-9 months

Participants are required to show regular activity and commitment to the award for the duration of the programme, which is usually at least one hour per week. 

If you are unsure whether an activity can count towards your Award or you are stuck for ideas, please consult the web address below:


Expedition Section

Antrim Grammar School's policy states that participants can only go on expeditions if they have completed at least 2 of the 3 sections of their Award.  This only applies to those on the Bronze Award.  This has been done to encourage a greater number of students to complete their Award. 

The Expedition Section is arguably the most exciting aspect of doing the Award.  The Award that you are enrolled on will determine how long your expedition will last and the location it will take place. 

Each Award demands more time in duration for the expedition:

  • Bronze: 2 days, 1 night camping
  • Silver: 3 days, 2 nights camping

There will be two expeditions undertaken on each Award, a practice and a qualifier, along with a Navigation Training Day sometime beforehand. The school will organise all expeditions and training and this will be provided by Pathways who are an Approved Activity Provider.

Below is a guide as to what should be taken on a typical Bronze Expedition:


  • Walking Boots
  • Socks - Cotton or Wool. At Least 3 Pairs
  • Water Bottle - At Least 1 Litre
  • 2x Packed Lunches
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • Cutlery/Eating Utensils
  • Change of Clothes
  • Torch
  • Washing-Up Equipment
  • Matches
  • Personal Medication - If necessary


  • Flip-flops/Sandals - To wear around campsite
  • Nightwear
  • Bug Repellent
  • Hat and Gloves
  • Emergency Rations
  • Money
  • Toiletries

The following equipment will be provided by Pathways Approved Activity Provider:

  • Tent
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Rucksack
  • Waterproof clothing
  • Trangia - 2 Per Group
  • Maps - 2 Per Group
  • Compasses - 2 Per Group

Once enrolled on the Award, each participant is entitled to a 15% discount at Cotswold Outdoor.