The curriculum at Antrim Grammar School is one that leads to academic success, provides stimulation and challenge and offers progression across all key stages.
Pupils follow a curriculum that successfully combines both traditional academic and vocational subjects, equipping them for the world of work in the 21st Century.
We believe that all pupils can thrive and our tracking system enables us to intervene quickly to provide bespoke support for individual pupils.
The curriculum is underpinned by pupil-centred careers education, advice and guidance provision.
The pupils benefit from an effective careers education, information, advice and guidance provision. It is underpinned with a clear vision and well informed strategies to align and adapt a comprehensive careers programme with curriculum planning.
ETI Inspection Report
Key Stage 3 Curriculum
In Years 8, 9 and 10 pupils study the following subjects in line with the Northern Ireland Curriculum:
English |
Mathematics |
Science - Biology, Chemistry and Physics |
Languages - French and Spanish |
History |
Geography |
Art and Design |
Home Economics |
ICT and Coding |
Music |
Drama |
Learning for Life and Work - Citizenship, Employability / Careers and Personal Development |
Religious Education |
Character Education |
PE and Games |
Through all of the subjects our curriculum includes opportunities for the development of the Cross-Curricular Skills (Communication, Using Mathematics and Using ICT) and Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities (Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making; Self-Management; Working With Others; Managing Information; and Being Creative).
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
At Key Stage 4, all pupils study the core subjects of GCSE English, GCSE Mathematics and non-examination Religious Education, Learning for Life and Work and Games. Pupils select an additional 7 subjects; all pupils are strongly advised to study at least one Language, at least one Science subject and at least one Humanities subject.
Optional Subjects offered:
Art and Design |
Business Communication Systems |
Business Studies |
Computer Science |
Drama |
Engineering |
English Literature |
Food and Nutrition |
French |
Further Mathematics |
Geography |
History |
Moving Image Arts |
Music |
Religious Studies |
Science - Single Award, Double Award or Triple Award Science |
Spanish |
Sport (BTEC) |
Key Stage 5 Curriculum
In Sixth Form we offer a wide range of A level subjects (or equivalent) in order to cater for the needs and interests of our pupils and those of higher education and employers. Our curriculum offer encompasses traditional 'A' level subjects together with some vocational courses. There are also a wide variety of enrichment and leadership opportunities, developing skills of leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication.
Sixth Form Options Booklet 2025
Subjects Offered:
Art and Design |
Biology |
Business Studies |
Chemistry |
Computer Science |
Design and Technology |
English Literature |
French |
Further Mathematics |
Geography |
Health and Social Care (Single Award) |
History |
Life and Health Sciences |
Mathematics |
Moving Image Arts |
Music |
Performing Arts |
Physics |
Politics |
Psychology |
Religious Studies |
Spanish |
Sport (BTEC) (Single Award) |
‘The Overall objective of an effective career education and guidance programme is to enable a learner to manage their own career development successfully, confidently and with due respect and care for their own needs, those of others and of their wider communities’ Department of Education, (DE), Entitlement Framework Circular, 2005/18
Central to the ethos of Antrim Grammar School, is our school motto, Educating for Life. Thus good quality CEIAG sits at the heart of our ethos, providing pupils with the knowledge, skills, and guidance to prepare them for life beyond Antrim Grammar School.
It is our vision that the CEIAG programme within Antrim Grammar will:
- build a commitment to career exploration and lifelong learning;
- develop self-awareness and motivate learners to make informed, appropriate and realistic decisions about their education, training and employment options;
- be accessible to all, meeting the needs of individual pupils.
Unifrog – The Complete Destinations Platform
In keeping with our commitment to provide students with outstanding careers guidance and tailored support when choosing their next step after school, we will now be using Unifrog; an award-winning, online careers platform.
Unifrog brings into one place every undergraduate university course, apprenticeship, and college course in the UK, as well as other opportunities, such as School Leaver Programmes, MOOCs and every college at Oxford and Cambridge. This makes it easy for students to compare and choose the best university courses, apprenticeships or further education courses for them. They can also explore exciting opportunities further afield by looking at English taught undergraduate programmes available in Europe and the USA.
Additionally, the platform helps students successfully apply for these opportunities by writing their personal statement, applications and CVs and guiding them through the process, allowing teachers to give live feedback.
Click here to access the Unifrog website: